I want to talk about the dumb way how I follow the Russian economy. I call it the Egg Meter: First off – this idea started with me in America. I used milk and eggs to track with in the USA. The idea is to track the price every time that you buy these items. […]
Hello,I watched this several times and I really can not say that I disagree with very much of what she says. This lady has a solid look at the American fallacies being played with capitalism and what direction America is headed toward with these fallacies. Russia Today has been doing a thorough job getting a […]
Russian Orthodox Church commemorates St. Job’s day:With unemployment in Russia rising sharply amid the global economic crisis, the Russian Orthodox Church is celebrating the day of St. Job, who lost everything but was ultimately rewarded for his faith. Norway wants to work with Russia on European gas market:Norway’s prime minister told Russia’s president on Tuesday […]
Hello,Below: The Chestnut trees are blooming… Below: Close up of a Chestnut…
Everyday while walking around Russia, whether in Moscow, side of the highway or a little village. You will find Babushkas selling “Salt Cucumbers”. These cucumbers look exactly like pickles but taste totally different. I am a dill pickle lover and when I first came to Russia I saw pickles (cucumbers) everywhere. I finally got one […]
Hello, I was drinking my morning cup of wonderful coffee here in Moscow Russia. I came across this tidbit of information on the airwaves in Russia… Seems that about 3,000 schoolchildren from Moscow and surrounding regions in Russia had a get together on the Red Square today (Sunday) to sign up in the communist Pioneer […]
St. Petersburg Ford plant protest 4-day working week:Some 150 workers from a Ford car factory near St. Petersburg held a protest rally on Friday against a four-day working week at the plant, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported. Two police officers killed in blast outside Chechen ministry:Two police officers were killed and three injured in a […]