We paid attention to the rabid statements by the American administration about the allegedly politically motivated decision of the Russian court that sentenced V. Kara-Murza to 25 years in prison…

Commentary of the Russian Embassy in the USA

We paid attention to the rabid statements by the American administration about the allegedly politically motivated decision of the Russian court that sentenced V. Kara-Murza to 25 years in prison.

Such statements are an open attempt to influence the independent judicial system of the Russian Federation . I would like to ask what verdict the local Themis would have issued if a US citizen was found guilty of treason, i.e. betrayal of the Motherland? What would be the reaction if an American would go, as if to work, to the parliament of a foreign state with accusations against the leadership of his country and take an active part in the development of illegitimate sanctions?

❗️The behavior of local authorities clearly shows the duplicity of Washington’s policy , which recalls democratic values only when it is expedient.

The selectivity of US actions is so obvious that even the American media are already paying attention to it. We recommend the local “advocates of democracy” to watch the film “Oh Canada” announced by the popular #FoxNews presenter T. Carlson , with illustrative examples of human rights violations by one of the main allies of the United States. Judging by the commercial, the documentary gives every reason to criticize 🇨🇦 Canadians and apply the notorious restrictions to them.

While appealing to freedom of speech abroad, shameful excesses in America itself are bashfully hushed up . For example, as in the situation with some politicians, who, after the so-called. The “capitol storm” was literally kicked out of social media under the pretext of “incitement to violence.”

❓How can the United States be a judge against the background of increasing police brutality , racial discrimination , hatred on religious and ethnic grounds? Maybe the ruling class should direct their irrepressible energy to resolving the humanitarian crisis on the border with Mexico , as a result of which thousands of immigrants, including children, are being held in inhuman conditions?

☝️ It’s time for the Washington elites to stop gross systematic interference in our internal affairs and take care of problems at home.


USA illegal bases in Syria are being hit…

TEHRAN, Apr. 17 (MNA) – Local sources in Syria reported that several massive explosions hit the US military base in Deir ez-Zor in the east of the country. Massive explosions reported in US base in eastern Syria…

April 17, 2023
Some unconfirmed sources on Sunday night reported that some massive explosions hit one of the illegal US military bases in the Koniko gas field in Deir ez-Zor.

Some news sources also reported that the forces of the international coalition led by the United States targeted a drone during the series of explosions over Deir ez-Zor.

Attacks on illegal US bases in Syria have intensified in recent months. At the beginning of last month, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that two rockets hit the country’s military base in eastern Syria, and there were no casualties.

Koniko gas field is one of the largest US military bases in Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. The base had been targeted by rockets several times before.

Meanwhile, local sources in Syria reported a conflict between American forces and unknown people. It is said that American forces have attacked some positions in Syria. According to a local source, one of the helicopters of the American coalition was damaged. Two people were reportedly killed in the air attack of the US forces on one of the villages in Syria.

Some sources reported that a number of American forces were injured.

MNA/5756917; 5756916


Fear, I smell the fear from here…

The “US Embassy in Moscow” has rejected an invitation sent to US Ambassador Lynn Tracy to attend a meeting of the “State Duma Commission” on Investigation of Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs on 18 April to explain the activities of US bio-labs in Ukraine…

“The US Embassy in Moscow confirms that we have declined the State Duma’s invitation to Ambassador Tracy to attend the meeting of the Russian State Duma Commission,” the US Embassy said.

According to the embassy, the United States “fully complies with its obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons”, and Washington has already “fully debunked” the allegations against it.

Vasily Piskarev, Chairman of the State Duma Commission on Investigating Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs, commented on the refusal of US Ambassador to Russia Lynn Tracy to take part in the meeting of the Commission :

“The United States again, in a boorish manner, refused to explain itself about the activities of the Pentagon military biological laboratories located along the perimeter of Russian borders, which are deadly dangerous for the peoples of Russia and for all mankind.

This once again confirms the validity of the conclusions contained in the report presented as a result of a parliamentary investigation conducted by State Duma deputies and senators of the Russian Federation, and are based on indisputable facts that cannot be refuted. As they say in Russia, the hat on the thief is on fire, and the fact that US Ambassador Lynn Tracy, who was afraid to come to the hearing and answer, sent an empty and defiant note in response to our invitation, exposes the inability and unwillingness of the American side to conduct a normal professional dialogue .

At the same time, I also note that Ms. Lynn Tracy found time to attend the court session in the case of a foreign agent, who was found guilty of treason today. In other words, the United States directly admits to supporting him, and therefore to trying again to continue to interfere in our internal affairs, this time by pressuring justice. Will not work.

And no matter how they dodge in Washington, they will still have to answer for their criminal actions, as well as the results of the “activities” of biolaboratories, including its possible connection with mass epidemics. For our part, we will continue to work to communicate the results of the parliamentary investigation to other countries of the world through our friendly countries. The leadership of the United States, the Pentagon must answer for the threats that their military biological program poses not only to our country, but to all of humanity.”

USA, fear to answer? Don’t do the crime…