Something big is coming…

I feel it in the air, in the news, in the ground and in my gut…

Russia is grouchy and up to something and as always, Karma is rough for those whom treat others wrong. The USA is running on a Karma that has years of payback coming, like a Karma Freight Train…

The West has big issues coming and they created all the Karma coming their way…

God help us all…


For too many years now, a number of US, EU, and whatnot politicians, judges, high-profile actors, media figures, senior intelligence officers, and business people have displayed strange and unexplained behaviors. – kKEETON…

Explain it?

You can’t explain it by thinking rationally and or logically. Except, if you approach it with a hint of lunacy, you’ll notice some symbolism on the walls and flooring, which defies rational explanation…

Biggest issue is that once you dwell within their world, does your world still exist?