Chinese space station achieves 100% oxygen regeneration…

Chinese space station achieves 100% oxygen regeneration

BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) — The Chinese space station, where the crew of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft is currently in orbit, has gained the ability to generate 100 percent of its energy. of their oxygen reserves using the onboard regeneration system. This became known at the conference on space technology, held in Harbin /the administrative center of Heilongjiang Province, Northern China/.



The East is in full spectrum de-dollarization…

Contracts are being redone everywhere with actual countries currency’s. Dollars not mentioned in new contracts…

Never should the West have weaponized the dollar, never corrupted the financial mechanism, never have stolen Iran’s money, Syrian oil stolen, Vensuala gold, never have stolen Russia’s money, never should have started one more war, attacked Libya, etc etc etc etc…

The West has been very bad…

What do you think all you people left in the west are going to have done to you after and during the massive collapse?

By your government?

Might want to start thinking about things, instead of eating a Big Mac?


People say China is stalling, nope…

I think they’re ignoring the US. They have obviously concluded that the US can’t hold up its end of any intelligent form of conversation.

So why bother? Talking to belligerent idiots is not exactly fun. Anything the USA says is simply a lie and they will not do what they say…

Maybe: Back off Huawei, tiktok, and tons of trash talking all the time and stop lying about China and Covid and maybe you’ll get an answer? Maybe not the answer they want, but an answer…

But, belligerent is the USA way to all…