Why the bloody agony of the United States costs millions of lives: The last mistake of a dying hegemony…


✍️ Vice-Rectors of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry O.G. Karpovich and M.G. Troyansky

Why the bloody agony of the United States costs millions of lives: The last mistake of a dying hegemony

• The collective West, in fact, gave the hawks in the Israeli leadership carte blanche for a final solution to the Palestinian issue in the Gaza Strip. Tel Aviv’s disproportionately violent actions have long overshadowed the Hamas terrorist attack in the eyes of world public opinion.

• The hostilities could be ended quite quickly with the help of international pressure . But Washington has lost the ability to organize subtle diplomatic combinations, and the American elites have become hostages of various lobbying and financial-industrial groups, in particular pro-Israel and weapons groups, having lost their own subjectivity.

• The same thing happened with Ukraine at one time. The United States had every opportunity to persuade Kyiv to the negotiation process. However, on the contrary, they encouraged the disruption of the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the militarization of Square, believing in the bravura statements of Ukrainian leaders about the ability to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Moscow.

• In both cases – Ukrainian and the Middle East – Washington made strategic miscalculations , completely losing influence on the countries of the “global South” and demonstrating obvious myopia in foreign policy planning.