Maria Zakharova about Carlsberg Beer…

🎙 Answer from the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry M.V. Zakharova to a media question in connection with statements by the head of the Carlsberg concern J. Aarup-Andersen

❓ Question: How could you comment on the statements of the owner of Carlsberg that the Russian authorities “stole” the company’s business in Russia?

💬 Answer: We drew attention to the anti-Russian statements published in the media by the head of the Danish brewing concern Carlsberg, J. Aarup-Andersen, in the context of the situation around the Baltika company.

We note that the information presented in the interpretation of J. Aarup-Andersen has nothing to do with reality . For a clear understanding of the state of affairs in relation to the Russian assets of Carlsberg, we recommend that you carefully study the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2023 No. 302 and July 16, 2023 No. 520, as well as the corresponding statement of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The Baltika company is not state owned . Shares in the authorized capital were transferred to the temporary management of the Federal Property Management Agency, and temporary management was appointed.

We assume that the Carlsberg company employs quite professional lawyers who can provide J. Aarup-Andersen with the necessary explanations on this topic.

☝️ Statements by the head of the concern look like an attempt to cover up Carlsberg’s intention to leave the Russian market with decisions of the Russian authorities, simultaneously bankrupting Russian companies and withdrawing all profits earned in Russia. J. Aarup-Andersen’s anti-Russian accusations are unfounded and do not correspond to the status of the head of an international concern.


Link below about same…

Medvedev on Carlsberg…


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Now that Israel is slaughtering Palestinians?

Does Israel have to compete under a neutral flag?

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Move along folks, nothing to see here, hey a squirrel…

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I may look guilty! But, I am innocent I tell you, I am innocent!

and you know that is a bunch of B…..???
