Hello, Lets have a good country home style food today. What do you normally do with chicken hearts, gizzards and livers? Throw them away? That’s a mistake! Some of the least expensive parts of a chicken are probably some of the least appreciated parts. I prepare this different when I was in America but I […]
Hello, I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and remembered that I took some pictures last night when I walked the dog. I grabbed the cell phone camera to see what and if they came out. I got a couple of good pictures out of the 20 pictures – I took. So lets see […]
Magna, Sberbank to pay $139 mln upfront for Opel deal:Canada’s Magna and Russia’s Sberbank will pay 100 million euros ($139 million) upfront as part of the deal to buy struggling German auto maker Opel, a Russian business paper said on Tuesday. Egypt to deport eight Russian students:Egyptian authorities were due on Tuesday to deport eight […]
Once again Americas Freedom House has put out its annual lie (I mean report) about the freedom of the worlds countries. (Link to Report) Freedom House as per par, paid extra attention to Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan and Venezuela again in this fine outstanding piece of verbal garbage. (Link to Report) According expectations, America’s “human […]
Grab a cup of coffee and have a read: This is Medvedev’s opening speech – June 6, 2009 in St Petersburg, Russia. This forum has very historical significance to the world. It is the first World Grain Forum and is being organized by Russia. Experts say grain consumption by 2030 will grow by 30-40% in […]
Hello, Krasnozavodsk which is near Moscow experienced a rare moment in history that I am sure that they never want to experience again…
Hello, Quarter cut tomatoes into big chunks, (put in big bowl) Add a lot of fresh sliced garlic toes, (I just push the garlic slice into the tomato itself.) Pour or scoop sour-cream over top the tomatoes and garlic then gently mix. (do not squish) Let it stand for up to an hour in the […]
Russia’s Medvedev says crisis not yet over:, President Dmitry Medvedev told Russia’s main economic forum on Friday that the current global financial crisis has yet to reach its lowest point. Russia’s capital inflow at $2 bln in May:Foreign capital inflow into Russia reached over $2 billion in May, Central Bank First Deputy Chairman Alexei Ulyukayev […]