This is your newest bad Russian (s)… (Masha and the Bear)

Is friendly Russian Bear from YouTube show a Putin stooge? | Daily Mail Online

A Russian-made children’s cartoon show has been accused of being part of the Putin propaganda machine. Masha and the Bear focuses on the relationship between a slight but imposing young girl and her protector, a huge bear. In one Masha even dons a Soviet border guard’s hat as she repels invaders from the Bear’s carrot patch.

Source: Is friendly Russian Bear from YouTube show a Putin stooge? | Daily Mail Online

This is your newest bad Russian…

Please be careful when enjoying the Masha & Bear cartoons…


Tiny Russian Village… 11/2018

Home back in Moscow. The trip was okay, Sunday’s are always the best to travel back to Moscow. We got the paper work done on Nikolai’s Home and now we have to start the next round of paperwork. Hopefully by this time next year, it will be done….most likely this is the last car trip to the Tiny Russian Village, for this year. It has started to snow and that means deep buried roads…

Have a great day…


The Empire Keeps Proving Assange Right About Everything

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been charged under seal by the Trump administration. This has been revealed by a purportedly accidental copy-paste error in an unrelated court document which used Assange’s name, interestingly not long after it was reported to the Wall Street Journal that federal prosecutors “have considered publicly indicting Mr. Assange to try to trigger his removal from the embassy because a detailed explanation of the evidence could give Ecuadorean authorities reason to turn Assange

Source: The Empire Keeps Proving Assange Right About Everything | Zero Hedge

America get that damn chip off your shoulder…

Definition of have a chip on one’s shoulder informal : to have an angry or unpleasant attitude or way of behaving caused by a belief that one has been treated unfairly in the past He has had a chip on his shoulder ever since he didn’t get the promotion he was expecting.

Source: Have A Chip On One’s Shoulder | Definition of Have A Chip On One’s Shoulder by Merriam-Webster

Well Uncle Sam and all the wannabe Uncles, are walking around with a chip on their shoulder and daring anyone to knock it off…

Ole Uncle looks at Russia and says, “I dare you!”

Then we are looking at Iran and say, “I dare you!”

Now we look at China and say, “I dare you!”

The list is rather long and getting longer at the countries we are walking around strutting like a rooster and saying, “I dare you!”

Just the last few days, we just threatened China with toeing the line or else…

United States is prepared to escalate economic, diplomatic and political pressure on China, Pence said. He believes the U.S. economy is strong enough to weather such an escalation while the Chinese economy is less durable.

Source: Pence: It’s up to China to avoid a cold war – The Washington Post

Oh Boy!

More sanctions against the world…

I guess that means we are looking for a fight and daring someone to knock that chip off our shoulder…


Us old guys get to watch the end of all we lived with…

I rode a 1959 Panhead for many years. It was freedom and a freedom I see many do not know about anymore…

Harley-Davidson bets its future on the LiveWire electric motorcycle | TechCrunch

It’s been a four-year wait since Harley-Davidson first showed off a concept electric motorcycle. Now, the production-ready bike — called the Harley-Davidson LiveWire — is finally here.

Source: Harley-Davidson bets its future on the LiveWire electric motorcycle | TechCrunch

Oh well!

It was fun while it lasted. I have to admit I grew up and lived in a wonderful time. Freedom rang and liberty ruled….and cars and bikes had soul…

I just have images of the “Hells Angels” pulling up to the bars in electric bikes and everyone gets into a fight trying to be the first to plug in…

Or the guy who walks out and kicks over the bikes, gets away from them, because their bikes are not charged enough to chase him in his old pickup truck..

Sorry, I gotta charge my Harley, before I run you down and beat the crap out of you…

Kinda changes charges everything…

Times change charge and it sucks…