Medvedev Unchained… (Knowledge Marathon)

Medvedev’s main statements at the Knowledge marathon:

📌 It is possible that Elon Musk could become the President of the United States;

📌Against the background of the task of preserving humanity in the current conditions, talking about a green agenda looks like cunning;

📌 The West turned out to be largely unfair to the Russian Federation and is not ready for an equal partnership;

📌 The prospect of nuclear war is not only there, but is growing;

📌 The world is probably on the verge of a new global war, but it is not inevitable;

📌 Oil prices will continue to rise;

📌 Due to the loss of the role of the euro, the European Union is waiting for a return to national currencies;

📌 Better “quiet division” of Ukraine by Poland and other countries than Ukraine in NATO or world war;

📌Medvedev considers the secession of some states from the United States as a completely possible scenario, said that “he will root for Texas.”

📌The West cannot dictate its will to humanity today, as it did half a century ago;

📌 The decline of the Western economic development model is not far off;

📌Medvedev allowed the abandonment of the euro and the dollar in the foreseeable future while spreading digital currencies;

📌Nuclear weapons are of lasting importance for the existence of Russia, this is “the very bond that gathers the state”;

📌Russia can be the first to use nuclear weapons if aggression is shown against it, threatening the existence of the state;

📌Opponents of Russia should not underestimate the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons by Moscow, whose “hand will not waver”;

📌Russia will take tit-for-tat retaliatory measures if the West seizes frozen Russian assets;

📌 Every single policy in Europe depends on the United States, even the most calm and loyal to Russia;

📌 The special operation is Russia’s answer to the endless expansion of NATO, opponents understand only the language of force. The special operation continues, all goals will be achieved;

📌Russia in Ukraine is fighting with all of NATO, there is an undeclared war of the West against the Russian Federation, everything must be done to win it.

📌 Russia has not run out of missiles, shells and tanks, the defense industry is ready to solve any problems;

📌The military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is coping with the load due to the special operation and is ready to meet the needs of the army;

📌In the USA, they want to divide the Russian Federation into the United States of Siberia and other individual countries and manage them;

📌Russia created the G20 together with other countries, and now “stunned” unfriendly states are offering to expel it from there;

📌 All countries must make efforts to avoid the start of a new full-scale global conflict.


Chinese all over Tucker fiasco…

Tucker Carlson got fired

April 25th, 2023

Tucker Carlson got fired for failing to adhere to rules set for US Gov’t mouthpiece medias reporting news according to NSA guidelines of self censorship, restrictions on Freedom of Speech


Tucker Carlson’s departure wipes half a billion off Fox Corp’s market value. The channel has parted ways with its prime-time anchor, who used to attract an audience of 3.7 million

塔克卡爾森的離職使福克斯公司的市值蒸發了 50 億美元。該頻道已與其黃金時段主播分道揚鑣,後者曾吸引 370 萬觀眾


Moscow hosts four-party talks gathering defence ministers of the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Syrian Arab Republic, and the Republic of Türkiye…

Today, here in Moscow, Russia… (April 25th, 2023)

What went on?

⚡️ Moscow hosts four-party talks gathering defence ministers of the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Syrian Arab Republic, and the Republic of Türkiye.

◽️ During the meeting, the attendees discussed practical steps towards strengthening security in the Syrian Arab Republic and normalising Syrian–Turkish relations.

◽️ Particular attention was given to countering all manifestations of terrorist threats, fighting all extremist groups on the territory of Syria.

◽️ As a result of the talks, the sides reaffirmed the desire to preserve Syria’s territorial integrity and the need to intensify efforts for the speedy return of Syrian refugees to their homeland.

◽️ The heads of defence ministries emphasised the constructive nature of the dialogue in this format and the need to continue it in order to further stabilise the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic and the region in general.

🔹 @mod_russia_en

Putin signed a decree on retaliatory measures in case of seizure of Russian assets abroad…

«В связи с необходимостью принятия безотлагательных мер в ответ на недружественные и противоречащие международному праву действия США и примкнувших к ним иностранных государств и международных организаций, направленные на незаконные лишение Российской Федерации, российских юридических и физических лиц права собственности»: Путин подписал указ об ответных мерах в случае изъятия российских активов за рубежом – передаче во временное управление иностранных активов.


“In connection with the need to take urgent measures in response to unfriendly and contrary to international law actions of the United States and foreign states and international organizations that have joined them, aimed at illegally depriving the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and individuals of property rights”: Putin signed a decree on retaliatory measures in case of seizure of Russian assets abroad – transfer of foreign assets to temporary management.