Something wicked that way is going…

Russia is winding up and getting mad…

IPhones being hacked by USA…

Production of drones going off the scale by Russia…

Kadyrov is excited…

Russian media has finally woke up…

Dedollarization at unbelievable scale, worldwide…

China is fed up with the USA…

Too many things going on and Russia is getting ready for something big…

Long popcorn and clean big boy panties… πŸ˜‰



Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how could you comment on the military assistance announced by the USA on May 31 to Ukraine?

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Answer of the Russian Ambassador to the USA A.I.Antonov to the media question

❓: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how could you comment on the military assistance announced by the USA on May 31 to Ukraine?

πŸ’¬ A.I.Antonov: We fix the persistence of the administration in the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis. Local authorities are again proudly talking about providing financial assistance and another batch of military products to their crazed Kiev puppets . At the same time, they are inciting European satellites to fetter Russia’s technological development with additional trade barriers.

☝️ And this is right after a series of terrorist attacks by US proteges in Moscow and the Moscow region . Instead of calling the Zelensky regime to account, Washington is demonstratively showing indifference to the crimes of Bandera. Public statements by the White House that they allegedly do not support the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the very heart of our Motherland are not worth a penny.

πŸ‘‰ The new American “assistance package” totaling $300 million is a good fuel for the rotten regime in Kiev. Nothing stops the administration. Neither the crisis in the economy, nor the calls of the states of Latin America, Africa, and Asia for assistance in socio-economic development are embarrassing. Numerous questions remain unanswered about the reasons why Washington is not prepared to address the acute migration problems on the southern borders of the United States. The problem of the miserable existence of migrants could be quite simply solved by redirecting at least part of the military aid that burns in the furnace of the conflict in Ukraine to noble goals .

❌ However, the American authorities do not want to see the reality . It seems that they are zombified by the desire to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia , by trying to wear down our economy . At the same time , they continue to encourage the reckless actions of their “clients”, supplying them with ever more lethal weapons. It seems that the lessons that the Russian Armed Forces teach neo-Nazis in the special military operation zone are not enough for the patrons of Kyiv.


~~Empires have it rough nowadays!~~

Empires dying in the past was a slow process due to lack of communication. Thus, lots of wool could be pulled over eyes. But now, everything that happens is communicated instantly around the world. Tough to be an Empire dying in the modern age… πŸ˜‰ – kKEETON