Sad really sad. Russians need to get home, NOW…

Comment of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

“The story of how yesterday’s schoolgirl became a “threat to national security” of the Republic of Latvia continues. Today, the Riga court decided to extend the detention of social activist, student of St. Petersburg State University Tatyana Andriets for another two months. Now she, in addition to ” violations of the sanctions regime”, are charged with “creation of a criminal organization”, which, in accordance with local criminal law, is punishable by imprisonment from 8 to 17 years.

The local Themis has not yet presented any convincing evidence to society of the guilt of a Latvian citizen who is not indifferent to what is happening in her country. However, as practice shows, in such initially politicized cases, this is not required. The purpose of this cynical violation of human rights is obvious – to convince the population of the republic of the inevitability of “punishment” for expressing “wrong” thoughts.

Such a mockery of a young girl who naively believed that she lives in a state of law is a shame for the Latvian justice!”

#Латвия #Latvia #ПосольствоРоссии


The Novaya Kakhovka dam has been destroyed by Ukraine. Yes it is a war crime…

However, attacks on dams raise complex international humanitarian law (IHL) issues. The rules governing them depend on the characterization of the conflict as international or non-international and whether the 1977 Additional Protocols I and II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions bind the attacking force.

Part I of this series examines the customary international law governing dam attacks.

📹 Above, Footage has appeared online allegedly showing the consequence of shelling on the Novaya Kakhovka HPP

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I say it is a war crime…

USA did the same in Syria…



It is simple mathematics and…

Here is the real reason why “The Kill Russia and Steal Russian Resources Project” is ending (besides running out of weapons and mercenaries). US cannot handle the upcoming federal interest payments, and they can’t push rates down either, in a ‘declining USA Dollar demand environment’ (outside the west and especially among commodity producers and buyers)…

The USA has delayed the death blow, but only delayed. Europe is the speed bump that takes the hit before the USA has to slow also, and Europe is absolutely getting crushed by all factors effecting it and when it lands from hitting the speed bump too fast, the rubbish will fly…

Stage left and run…

Next Please! Nothing to see here…