At first when I heard this yesterday. I was sure it was a joke, but found the original source (Free vending machines for illegal drug usage in NY)…

The Brooklyn vending machine is the latest tool to reduce stigma and barriers to services in the fight to reduce the number of overdose deaths by 2025

Items available for free include naloxone, safer-sex kits and toiletries.

June 5, 2023 — The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has unveiled the city’s first public health vending machine, hosted by Services for the Underserved (S:US), to promote 24/7 access to lifesaving harm reduction supplies conveniently and anonymously to meet a goal outlined in the mental health plan.

Public health vending machines are an innovative, low-barrier strategy to reduce stigma and reach New Yorkers who may not already be connected to harm reduction services. Similar machines in the United States, Europe, and Australia have demonstrated success at reducing rates of overdose and infectious disease.

In 2017 I talked about how bad it was getting in the USA and EU with drugs, below article link, I was attacked terribly by people from the USA and EU at that time…

Strange how so many do not see “Opium Wars” have never ended…

Well vindication is not sweet for me…


Мари́я Влади́мировна Заха́рова talks about global disinformation campaign to rewrite history continues…


❌ The global disinformation campaign to rewrite history continues. Its integral part is the justification of the unsightly colonial past of the “collective West” <…> The article by the New Zealand journalist J. Pagani, published on the Stuff online news resource, is a vivid example of such a pathological lie.

The reason for writing the material was the appeal of representatives of the indigenous Maori people to the British royal house to repent for the colonial past, which caused a resonance. In a hysterical attempt to smear off the “owners”, the author did not find anything better than to “switch the arrows” and accuse Russia of “colonial habits”. 🤷‍♂️

Without letting the readers recover from the shock, she immediately drags out “Yaroslavna’s lament” about the fate of the “indigenous people” of Ukraine, using the term indigenous people. Somewhat surprising is the impudence with which the author ineptly engages in the cultural expropriation of the term “indigenous peoples”. Well, we advise you to read the UN brochure for the little ones.


In his article, G. Pagani deliberately endows our country with the features inherent in the colonial Anglo-Saxon world, attributing to the multinational country, in which hundreds of ethnic groups coexisted together for centuries, the misanthropic imperialist policy of Britain.

👉 The only true passage in the entire material does not belong to the author’s pen, but to the representatives of the Maori people, the indigenous people of New Zealand, who called on the Anglo-Saxons to repent and be held responsible for the oppression and siphoning off wealth from the countries they oppress to this day.



Iran is Hypersonic now…

🇮🇷 Iran has introduced a hypersonic missile “Fattah”

▪️Its range is 1,400km and it flies at about 12 or 13 times the speed of sound.

▪️Iranian media has reported that it is capable of avoiding all missile defense systems.

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