Russian: Bureau 1440 space company (We need to watch what is happening with this.)

Bureau 1440 space company, which is a part of Russian IKS Holding, successfully installed into orbit three space communication satellites…

The main purpose of the “1440 Bureau” is the creation of a commercial service of broadband data transfer at high speeds with minimal delays on the basis of low-orbit satellite constellation,” – reported the press service. The company explained that the system will provide a global service with a focus on mass consumers in various industries.

This is a Russian Starlink?

So for now I watch what is happening. They say that setting fiber optics is the past and this is their solution…

Hmm, looking good…


Ukraine as it is right now. Do they want a smaller Ukraine than this? Good question…

It use to look like this. Before the west decided to destroy Russia and all Russians…

What is interesting is that so many westerners seriously do not care to understand that the west is the reason this all happened…

How much Ukraine has to become Russian?

Enough to stop long range weapons, the type that the west are using against Russia right now…



A dying Empire has nothing to lose in its eyes…

Nuclear War…

Conventionally the Western Coalition cannot and will not be able to confront the East and they know this in the West. Deep down in all that woke lies being spewed, they know this…

Thus, the only option that the Western Coalition has is what we call a, “Hail Mary” and as the time is running out for the West, due to no resources, no energy and lots of confusion, as even to what gender you are in the west…

Going Full Retard means a strong realistic possibility of going full retard as in conjunction with Nukes…

A dying Empire has nothing to lose in its eyes…

Death of all is better if it knows it will die regardless…


Let us hope that reality wins over lies & fantasy…