Kadyrov on Sanctions are a two way street against the West G7…

I heard that some new sanctions were announced at the G7 meeting…

We have our own “seven” – the North Caucasian. The day before, at a meeting of the heads of seven regions, a full package of sanctions was adopted by the North Caucasus Federal District against the hostile G7 countries, their leaders, partners and accomplices.

The restrictions did not affect only one Zelensky. This worthless person is himself our sanctions instrument of punishment, which we unanimously transfer to the G7 countries as a measure of economic burden.



U.S. is Hastening “Final Ruin” of Ukraine (NK)


U.S. is Hastening “Final Ruin” of Ukraine


Kim Myong Chol, an international affairs analyst, released the following article under the title “The U.S. is hastening the ‘final ruin’ of Ukraine” on May 19:

One year ago, we made a judgment that the Ukrainian crisis precisely means the U.S. crisis and the final loser will be the U.S.

At present, 450 days after the start of the Ukrainian crisis, a direct product of the U.S. strategy for putting pressure on Russia, we witness the U.S. and the Western group crossing the redline bereft of reason.

The U.S. was “cautious” in its military aid to Ukraine, talking about the “support of weapons for defense” at the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis. But as the crisis is showing a clear sign of getting prolonged, it is revealing its true nature and fanning up for massive arms support.

Mainly supplied in the past were the portable anti-armor and anti-aircraft missiles such as Javelin and Stinger, but today the HIMARS and Patriot missile defense systems, which are known as self-proclaimed “high-tech weapons”, are being used in the Ukrainian battlefield, and Abrams American MBTs are expected to rear their ugly heads sooner or later.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian mercenaries are armed with American weapons and trained in American style, and are driven into the bloody battlefield again. And instructors dispatched by the U.S. are in direct command of the Ukrainian mercenaries.

The present U.S. administration, which will soon go in default as the world’s biggest debtor, has made a decision to render emergency security support to Ukraine worth 45 billion U.S. dollars and is urging its followers to spare no efforts in aiding Ukraine.

Up to now, the US-led NATO member states have provided Ukraine with lethal weapons and equipment worth 71 billion U.S. dollars, including over 230 MBTs such as Leopard-2 and Challenger 2, 1 ,550 armored vehicles, drones, helicopters, large caliber guns and ammunition of various calibers.

The recent offer of Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles with hundreds of kilometers of range by Britain shows that the Western forces are trying to expand the bloody Ukrainian battlefield into the deep areas of Russia.

It is only a matter of time that the U.S. adds new precision strike means including ATACMS missiles to be mounted on HIMARS.

The U.S. and its allies’ transfer of precision strike means to Ukraine is the most obvious declaration of war against Russia and a direct military action threatening the sovereignty of Russia and its territorial security.

It is as clear as noonday that the Ukrainian military gangsters, who sent drones over the Kremlin of Moscow, an inviolable territory of Russia, will commit dangerous hooliganism with missiles from the U.S. and the West.

Therefore, the U.S. has crossed the most dangerous “red line”.

The gravity of the situation is not limited to the European continent.

South Korea has so far handed over 800 000 large-caliber artillery shells to Ukraine in a round-about way, deceiving others like an alley cat. Now it openly reveals its will to supply lethal weapons, volunteering to become one of the belligerent countries against Russia.

The fearful fact that one million large-caliber artillery shells to be supplied to Ukraine by the U.S. are being produced in south Korea proves that the dark clouds of war hanging over the European continent are finally drifting towards the Asia-Pacific region, and the Ukrainian crisis is, in fact, turning into a new world war.

The U.S. and its followers are making desperate efforts to reduce Ukraine into a test ground of their lethal weapons and a theatre of a proxy war and are attempting to defeat Russia at any cost while rendering military aid running at an astronomical amount. This is nothing but the last-ditch efforts of those nearing their last moments.

It is the tradition of victory and temperament peculiar to the Russian nation that it has repelled the invasion of foreign aggressors and totally destroyed their den.

The U.S. and Western forces are most afraid that Russia’s victory will not end only in a defeat of Ukraine but lead to the collapse and ruin of the U.S.-led Western world.

That is why they are attempting to prolong the crisis with their absurd weapon support to Ukraine while calling for a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian issue.

The collective arms support being made under the manipulation of the present U.S. administration to put the whole of Europe under the U.S. security umbrella, far from the interests of European countries, does not accelerate the end of the dispute but delays the end of the war, endangering regional peace and destroying human civilization.

The crimes of the U.S. and other Western countries, which have systematically encroached upon the legal security interests of a sovereign state for decades in a bid to maintain their supremacy, are described as “just” acts, and sovereign state’s legitimate countermeasures for self-defense are branded as acts of “aggression” and “provocations”. Such unfair behavior should never be tolerated.

The U.S. and its vassal forces are embellishing their lethal weapon assistance to Ukraine as an act for “defense of peace” and “legal defense” while describing the international community’s just support to Russia as “conspiracy” with the “aggressor”, so as to turn black into white. But they can never cover up the truth.

A loud voice never makes falsehood truth, and no number of conspirators can turn injustice into justice.

The U.S. and its vassal forces would be well-advised to always remember that they are contending against the courageous and heroic Russian army and people by whom the righteous and powerful friendly states aspiring to peace and truth are always standing.

It is high time for the just international community to turn out in high spirits for Russia’s victory.

The tremendous amount of weapons and ammunitions provided by Ukraine’s “allies” have made it a big explosive warehouse, and a single blow from Russia will wipe out everything in Ukraine, creating a great mushroom cloud.

Zelenskiy and his clique, stooges most faithful to the U.S., who put the destiny of the Ukrainian people in the bloody hands of foreign forces, are already defeated and sentenced to a miserable doom.

Next will be the U.S. and its vassal forces.



Oops and what do you do, EU? Iodine pills? Pray?

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said on last Friday that a radioactive cloud was heading towards Poland and farther, following the elimination of a Ukrainian military warehouse storing illegally transported British-supplied depleted uranium ammunition…

Above video is of the huge amount of western illegal weapons all stashed together, including lots of DU rounds…

I guess the West should have thought about the repercussions of its actions with Ukraine?

Except, the west will double down and send more, “depleted uranium ammunition”…

Why? Because they (west) are assholes!