Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said at a news briefing on Tuesday, 05.23.2023…

The East is expressing what we all know lately…

“Hopefully, the United States will maintain a responsible fiscal and monetary policy and will not shift US risks onto the entire world,” Mao Ning noted


“The debt issue is an internal affair of the United States, but given that [the US is] the world’s largest economy, their own situation and political decisions may have critical knock-on effects for the global economy,” Mao said


“the United States will refrain from harvesting yields around the globe in order to protect its own interests,” the Chinese diplomat said.

Good to see the East communicating and not staying silent about the western crap…


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said Tuesday, 05.23.2023…

“The United States and [some] Western countries are not after democracy, but domination and plundering of other countries’ wealth,” Raisi said during an official visit to Indonesia


“Let the Yemeni and Afghan people decide for themselves,” he concluded, asking: “Why are you interfering in their affairs?” Raisi said during an official visit to Indonesia

So true, so true and lets hope that the world gets healed from what the west has been doing for so long…