Joint statement of Russia and China in text…

Joint statement of Russia and China:

◾️ The Russian Federation positively assesses the position of China on Ukraine, and China positively assesses the readiness of the Russian Federation to launch negotiations;

◾️ Russia and China are concerned about the risks associated with the creation of AUKUS and their plans to build nuclear submarines;

◾️ Russia and China call on AUKUS to strictly fulfill its obligations to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

◾️ Russia and China are planning to strengthen a comprehensive partnership in the energy sector;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China believe that in order to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, it is necessary to prevent bloc confrontation and incitement of conflict;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China are concerned about the military-biological activities of the United States, they demand clarification on this matter;

◾️ Russia and China will expand scientific exchanges to ensure the technological leadership of the two countries;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China urge to avoid the degradation of the crisis in Ukraine and its transition “to an uncontrollable phase”;

◾️ Russia and China oppose all unilateral sanctions imposed bypassing the UN Security Council;

◾️ Russia and China are pushing for the US to speed up the elimination of its stockpile of chemical weapons;

◾️ Russia and China will strengthen cooperation in agriculture to ensure food security;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China plan to promote mutual and global energy security;

Russia and China insist that NATO strictly observe the defensive nature of their organization and respect foreign sovereignty;

◾️ Russia and China oppose the formation of “closed exclusive bloc structures, bloc policies and opposing camps” in the Asia-Pacific region;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China will increase the scale and optimize the structure of trade, including through the development of electronic commerce;

◾️ Russia and China are going to increase the level of financial cooperation and strengthen cooperation in the financial markets;

◾️ The United States must take real action to address the legitimate concerns of the DPRK and create conditions for dialogue;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China are concerned about the intensification of US activities in the field of missile weapons and call for an end to undermining international security;

◾️ Russia and China are against attempts to use space for armed confrontation and will oppose such activity;

◾️ Russia and China will expand mutual access to agricultural products and strengthen investment cooperation in this area;

◾️ The Russian Federation and the PRC are aimed at cooperation in the field of mutually beneficial supply of basic goods and mineral resources;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China oppose the militarization of IT, they are for multilateral, equal and transparent global governance of the Internet.


Russian Press Briefings? Come on you journalists who desire truth…

We were surprised to read the skirmish at the White House briefing on March 20 , where recently press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre literally did not let Today News Africa correspondent Simon Atebe utter a word, chastising him like a boy , talking about what he can and what it is forbidden.

But it was not Karin who struck. Everything here, alas, is predictable.

Surprisingly, a correspondent for Today News Africa, trying to get the right to question, said the following: “What you are doing is a mockery of the first amendment in the Constitution (on freedom of speech and the media)! You haven’t spoken to me for seven months now! And I say it’s wrong! It should not be! It is not right! We are not in China, we are not in Russia. We are not in Russia. And in the US, the White House. Seven months already … ” .

In a fantastic way, he got to the heart of the matter. Washington is really not China or Russia – unlike the White House and the State Department, we do not segregate journalists and give everyone the opportunity to ask a question.

Simon, we are not like Karine Jean-Pierre and the like – in our briefings, we answer all questions. I will say more: until we answer all the questions, the briefings do not end.

They are open to any journalists (there is simultaneous translation into English), they are held on a weekly basis in an online format with the ability to connect from anywhere in the world. We are ready to answer all your questions for Karin, including about the USA.

Join the next briefing – we will be glad to see you.

I would also like to emphasize once again that our briefings , unlike similar events at the American White House, not to mention the US State Department, go up to the last question.

It is difficult to imagine a situation that we once did not give someone the opportunity to ask them or left a briefing if there were questions. A wide variety of media are connected to them, asking burning questions. Sometimes the discussion gets lively, and the briefing can last several hours.

All this is easy to check – all materials are available both in video format and in text version on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry and on the largest video hosting sites, including RuTube and YouTube , which, unlike the Russian service, periodically blocks us.

С удивлением ознакомились с перепалкой на брифинге Белого дома от 20 марта, где недавно пресс-секретарь Карин Жан-Пьер, буквально не давала корреспонденту Today News Africa Саймону Атебе произнести ни слова, отчитывая его как мальчишку, рассказывая о том, что ему можно и что нельзя.

Но поразила не Карин. Тут всё, увы, предсказуемо.

Удивило то, что корреспондент Today News Africa, пытаясь получить право на вопрос, произнёс следующее: «То, что вы делаете, – насмешка над первой поправкой в Конституции (о свободе слова и СМИ)! Уже семь месяцев вы не давали мне слова! И я говорю, что это неправильно! Так не должно быть! Это неправильно! Мы же не в Китае, не в России находимся. Мы не в России. А в США, Белом доме. Семь месяцев уже…».

Фантастическим образом он попал в самую суть. Вашингтон действительно не Китай и не Россия – мы в отличие от Белого дома и Госдепа не занимаемся сегрегацией журналистов и даём возможность задать вопрос всем.

Саймон, мы не такие как Карин Жан-Пьер и им подобные – на наших брифингах мы отвечаем на все вопросы. Скажу больше: пока мы не ответим на все вопросы, брифинги не заканчиваются.

Они открыты для подключения любых журналистов (есть синхронный перевод на английский язык), проходят в еженедельном режиме в формате онлайн с возможностью подключения из любой точки мира. Готовы ответить за Карин на все Ваши вопросы, в том числе и про США.

Подключайтесь к ближайшему брифингу – будем рады вас видеть.

Хочу также ещё раз подчеркнуть, что наши брифинги, в отличие от аналогичных мероприятий американского Белого Дома, не говоря уже о Госдепартаменте США, идут до последнего вопроса.

Сложно представить себе ситуацию, что мы когда-то кому-то не давали возможность их задать  или уходили с брифинга при наличии вопросов. К ним подключаются самые разнообразные СМИ, задающие острые вопросы. Порой дискуссия выходит оживленной, и брифинг может длиться несколько часов.

Всё это легко проверить – все материалы доступны как в видеоформате, так и в текстовой версии на сайте МИД России и на крупнейших видеохостингах, включая RuTube и YouTube, который в отличие от российского сервиса нас периодически блокирует.


From the statement of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin for the press following the Russian-Chinese talks, Moscow, March 21, 2023

Russian-Chinese relations are at the highest level of development in history, they are an example of a true comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction.

• When discussing topical international and regional problems, we stated with the Chairman of the PRC that the views of Russia and China on most of them coincide or are very close .

• Russia and China strongly oppose any state or bloc harming the legitimate interests of other countries in order to obtain military, political and economic advantages.

• They did not ignore the situation around Ukraine. Many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with Russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for it in the West and in Kiev. However, so far we have not observed such readiness on their part.

It seems that the West really decided to fight with Russia to the last Ukrainian – no longer in words, but in deeds. But in this regard, I would like to note that if all this happens, then Russia will have to respond accordingly. I mean that the collective West is already starting to use weapons with a nuclear component .

• We are working in solidarity to create a more just and democratic multipolar world order.

• China firmly holds the position of the leading foreign trade partner of our country. Our states, through concerted efforts, maintain the high dynamics of mutual trade, which grew by 30% last year, setting a new record of over $185 billion.

• According to the results of the first three quarters of last year, the share of the ruble and yuan in mutual commercial transactions reached 65% and continues to grow.


Statement by the Russian Embassy in connection with plans to transfer British weapons with depleted uranium to Ukraine…

▪️We are considering plans to transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine, officially confirmed by the UK Department of Defense, as a step fraught with further escalation of the conflict.

▪️Obviously, the British have made a choice in favor of causing destruction and maximum damage to the population of front-line regions.

▪️Additional cynicism to what is happening is given by the reasoning of the British leadership about their readiness to contribute to the “restoration of Ukraine.”

👆Ukraine for the UK is nothing more than a training ground for confrontation with our country.

❗️We warn London against crossing yet another dangerous line in its maniacal quest to “defeat Russia”.

Read in full:

#Россия #Великобритания #Украина #Киев #Уран