This is what the Western World desires, as the west sends illegal troops now more and more and more of them…

Maryinka DPR 03/04/2023

When you hear the word “Apocalypse” what comes to mind? – the end of the world, the end of life, something terrible and irreversible, but this is now…

Grinding the West to dust and Russia has a billion billion more bombs to do just that…

Keep up the games and soon it will be in your face…


The question is, “Will Russia have to grind the complete West into Dust?”

~~ Prior to this, the Russians had just as “shamefully” won in Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Mariupol, Popasna and Soledar, where the previous Ukrainian “fortress” fell. 😂

Ukrainian military blogs on Twitter have already understood how the case in Bakhmut will end and have begun to hysteria for the English-speaking audience:

“The defense of Bakhmut will go down in history. This is a shame for Russian soldiers, no matter how they spin it. ~~

Russia is grinding Ukraine to dust and all the west can do is lie and lie and lie…

The question is, “Will Russia have to grind the complete West into Dust?”


Lets us “Hope to God” that Russia wins. The alternative is “Hell on Earth”…

“Putin wins? The world order is changing in his favor.”

The British edition of The Spectator writes that apart from the US puppets, no one in the world has gone against Russia. And this can already be considered a defeat for Washington…

The US has no true allies. Europe? These are not allies, this is a servant who works for those who give more money.

And Russia has friends who know what honor, conscience, brotherhood are…

Lets us “Hope to God” that Russia wins. The alternative is “Hell on Earth”…


Girls like to be girls in Russia…

St. Petersburg traffic police officers stopped who we use to call the “fairer sex” as they drive on the roads…

But not to check the documents, not to harass them, but to give them bouquets of tulips and reminders for safe driving in the new beautiful springtime…

Girls enjoy being girls and guys enjoy those girls…


When years ago, I saw that they do this all over Russia. It dawned on me how wonderful that it is to beable to show a girl that she is beautiful and not be arrested for sexual harassment…