NATO whom cries foul is the fouler…

The nations that make up NATO are the countries that whom are planning to strike Russia (“not vice versa”), and they are making a loud enough noise that everybody is able to hear, whom wishes to hear…

Therefore, the Russians would be foolish to do nothing and never make adequate preparations for this eventuality. It is disheartening that, as Ukraine and US/EU Neo-Nazis frequently spout, even on the Russian RT, the same logic is being repeatedly repeated (just as it is always repeated, “Russia Did It”) about how Russia constitutes a threat to the security of Western Europe or even the entire world…

NATO is the one that is, “The Snake in the Grass”…


When you fill your GOV with garbage you get garbage back out…

In the midst of a severe loss of legitimacy in the eyes of their voters, Western government, what is referred to nowadays as traditional governing parties and leaders, are struggling to survive an extreme self-induced political crisis. Garbage in Garbage out. – kKEETON…

How nasty will the Western governments get towards their plebs living within these countries?

Shall we watch and find out?