“Russia, They, the West, Hate You and They Want You Dead!” («Россия, они, Запад, ненавидят тебя, и они хотят, чтобы ты умер!» – kKEETON)

I have said it exactly like this to Svetochka and I am now saying it to all of Russia…

“Russia, They, the West, Hate You and They Want You Dead!” – kKEETON…

Reasons the West is bananas over this issue are already posted on this website and they are all true. So for now it is enough to grasp the facts of the situation and accept this statement as a fact. Accept it and get it in your head, put that info in your brain, memorize what I say and do not act the fool and say, “What I do?” or “Why?” or “But I didn’t do nothing!” None of anything matters except the simple fact that if you are a Russian, in any form and or manner. Be it actions, connections, genetics and just breathing the same air as a Russian. They, the West want you dead and your land and your resources…

“Russia, They, the West, Hate You and They Want You Dead!” – kKEETON…


“Russia, They, the West, Hate You and They Want You Dead!” – kKEETON…

Coming soon to a country near you…

Repeat after me in your first person form:

“I’m Russian, The West, Hates Me and They Want Me Dead!”

Do not disregard this message…

Я сказал это именно так для Светочки, и теперь я говорю это всей России …

«Россия, они, Запад, ненавидят тебя, и они хотят, чтобы ты умер!» – kKEETON …

Причины Запада являются бананами по этому вопросу, уже размещены на этом сайте, и все они верны. Так что сейчас этого достаточно, чтобы понять факты ситуации и принять это утверждение как факт. Примите это и получите в свою голову, поместите эту информацию в свой мозг, запомните то, что я говорю, и не веду себя дураком и не говорите: «Что я делаю?» или “Почему?” или “Но я ничего не делал!” Ничто из ничего не имеет значения, кроме простого факта, что если вы русский, в любой форме или или манере. Будь то действия, связи, генетика и просто дышащий тем же воздухом, что и русский. Они Запад хотят, чтобы ты умер, твоя земля и твои ресурсы …

«Россия, они, Запад, ненавидят тебя, и они хотят, чтобы ты умер!» – kKEETON …


«Россия, они, Запад, ненавидят тебя, и они хотят, чтобы ты умер!» – kKEETON …

Скоро в месту рядом с вами …

Повторите за мной в форме первого лица:

“Я русский, Запад, ненавидит меня, и они хотят, чтобы я умер!”

Не игнорируйте это сообщение …


DPRK Delegations Leave for Russia…

I am so glad to see constant interaction between Russia and North Korea…

Date: 21/02/2024 | Source: Naenara (En) | Read original version at source
A delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea led by Minister of IT Industry Ju Yong Il left Pyongyang on February 19 to take part in the Eurasia IT forum to be held in Moscow of Russia.

On the same day, a delegation of the DPRK-Russia joint committee on fisheries led by Vice-Minister of Fisheries Son Song Guk and a delegation of the DPRK Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports led by Vice-Minister O Kwang Hyok left Pyongyang by plane to attend the 31st meeting of the DPRK-Russia joint committee for cooperation in fisheries and the signing ceremony for the 2024 DPRK-Russia protocol on sports exchange.


Only upsetting thing is that Russia should have never turned on North Korea by UN mandate, ever at anytime. Never should the West be trusted in any of its forms and the UN is a bad sick form of the Western construct…


Actions have repercussions and for the British, this hits at the core belly of its people. And the British need to learn the proverb: Russians take a long time to harness, but drive quickly…

No more Russian waters fishing for the British. Goodbye Fish and Chips from real Cod…

▶️ Russia has returned its fish.

Yesterday, the Soviet-era fisheries agreement with the British government, signed on May 25, 1956, was denounced.

This is a rare case in our practice. We are leaving the treaty that was in force for 68 years and allowed British ships to fish in the Barents Sea: in the territorial waters of the USSR and then Russia.
It was a unilateral decision; our country received nothing in return.

When Nikita Khrushchev received him in 1956 , it is difficult to say what motivated him. But definitely not by national interests.

Last year alone, 2023, the British caught 566 thousand tons of cod and haddock.
For them, this is 40% of the “fish menu”. It is considered a favorite dish.

At the same time, they announce almost 2,000 sanctions to us and behave extremely unfriendly and aggressive towards Russia.

When they ask if we can respond to sanctions, we can.

Our President decided to terminate the 1956 treaty. Deputies unanimously supported it.

Politics are actions and decisions.
With Gorbachev, we lost the country, but with Putin, we found it:
Crimea returned to Russia
protected our brothers in Donbass and Novorossiya, and today we returned natural resources.

After the denunciation of this agreement, our fishermen will be able to catch more fish in their native Barents Sea, and it will become more accessible to our citizens.

And the British need to learn the proverb: Russians take a long time to harness, but drive quickly.