Momentous times. It’s not nice, but that’s what happens when a country like the USA, has it’s greatest idiots, liars, and most evil people become experts, advisors, decision-makers, policy-makers, or managers, and or when they get to the top. – kKEETON…

Too Much…

Numerous events are taking place or are soon to occur. I’m not sure if there is enough popcorn in the world to satisfy our appetites while we watch…

But I can’t possible consume that much popcorn, can you?


Pridnestrovie’s (Transnistria) : Too Important for the Russian People…

The State Duma will officially consider Pridnestrovie’s (Transnistria) appeal to Russia with a request for help…

Transnistria is acting a tidbit stupid right now?

As soon as it arrives at the State Duma, the council will consider it based on consultations with Putin and the Russian Foreign Ministry…

I have changed my mind a bit about this activity above and its meaning…

220,000 Russians live within Pridnestrovie’s (Transnistria). Svetochka and I have been there and we drove actually. Way before traveling Ukraine got to be very dangerous to travel by car. The link below is to an article of mine that has been torn apart by Western Haters in attacks. Lots of pictures and they all got deleted in the past attacks. Words are there…

Dniester Region, Transnistria, Pridnestrovie!

This is a baby of Russia, just as Crimea is…

Having been there, it is true… America trying to stir against Transnistria… Again…

We will watch and wait to hear what the Duma says, for Pridnestrovie’s (Transnistria) has officially applied for help…

CHISINAU, February 28. /TASS/. The unrecognized republic of Transnistria will seek assistance from Russia amid growing pressure from Moldova under a decision made at a congress of lawmakers that was held in Tiraspol earlier on Wednesday.

Read More:

The resolution adopted at the congress which was initiated by Transnistrian leader Vadim Krasnoselsky calls for “addressing Russia’s Federation Council and State Duma with a request to implement measures to protect Transnistria amid growing pressure from Moldova, given that more 220,000 Russian nationals reside in the unrecognized breakaway republic, that Russian peacekeeping in the Dniester region has been successful and that Russia has acted as a mediator for talks between Chisinau and Tiraspol.”

Now let us watch what happens!

Transnistria is way too important to the Russian People to ignore it…