Kadyrov on Kingdom of Bahrain…

Within the framework of a working visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, the First Deputy Minister of the Chechen Republic for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy, Ahmed Kadyrov, met with His Majesty the King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and with His Highness Prince Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

During the meeting, Akhmad Kadyrov conveyed his warmest wishes to the King of Bahrain and all residents of the country. He expressed his hope to continue strengthening friendly relations between Russia and the Kingdom of Bahrain and to achieve fruitful cooperation in all fields.

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa noted that all European countries today have taken a stance against Russia due to their unwillingness to accept unnatural values ​​that have nothing to do with any standards of decency and morality. He stressed that such a firm stance by Russian President Vladimir Putin is welcomed in the Arab countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that many countries in the Arab world seek to establish friendly relations with it.

His Majesty the King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is considered a distinguished statesman with a truly strong personality. His insight, justice and wisdom make him a highly respected leader inside and outside the country. His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa is leading the country with his children towards dynamic development. The best evidence of this is the wonderful results in the social and economic fields. I am certain that with the far-sightedness of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his sons, the pace of development and development will increase.

At the end of the meeting, Ahmed Kadyrov thanked Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the warm reception, wishing peace and prosperity to all residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain. He expressed his confidence that Russian-Arab relations will develop and strengthen over the coming years, contrary to the expectations of our enemies.

في إطار زيارة عمل إلى مملكة البحرين، التقى النائب الأول لوزير جمهورية الشيشان للثقافة البدنية والرياضة وسياسة الشباب أحمد قديروف مع جلالة ملك البحرين حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة و مع سمو الأمير ناصر بن حمد آل خليفة.

وخلال اللقاء، نقل أحمد قديروف أحر التمنيات لملك البحرين وجميع المقيمين في البلاد. وأعرب عن أمله في مواصلة تعزيز علاقات الصداقة بين روسيا ومملكة البحرين وتحقيق تعاون مثمر في كافة المجالات.

لقد أشار جلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة إلى أن جميع الدول الأوروبية اليوم أخذت موقفا ضد روسيا بسبب عدم رغبتها في قبول القيم غير الطبيعية التي لا علاقة لها بأي معايير للحشمة والأخلاق. وأكد أن مثل هذا الموقف الثابت للرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين مرحب به في الدول العربية. ولذلك ليس من المستغرب أن تسعى العديد من الدول في العالم العربي إلى إقامة علاقات ودية معها.

إن جلالة ملك البحرين حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة يعتبر رجل دولة متميز وذو شخصية قوية بحق. بصيرته وعدالته وحكمته يجعله قائداً يحظى باحترام كبير داخل الدولة وخارجها، إن جلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة يقود الدولة مع أبنائه نحو تطور ديناميكي. وخير شاهد على ذلك هي تلك النتائج الرائعة في مجال الاجتماعي والاقتصادي. أنا متأكد بأن ببعد نظره الذي يتحلى به جلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة وأبناؤه وتيرة التنمية والتطور يكون في ازدياد.

وفي نهاية اللقاء، شكر أحمد قديروف حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة على حفاوة الاستقبال، متمنيًا السلام والرخاء لجميع المقيمين في مملكة البحرين. وأعرب عن ثقته في أن العلاقات الروسية-العربية سوف تتطور وتتعزز على السنوات القادمة ، على خلاف توقعات أعدائنا.

В рамках визита в Королевство Бахрейн первый заместитель министра ЧР по физической культуре, спорту и молодежной политике Ахмат Кадыров @ARKadyrov встретился с королём Бахрейна Хамадом Бин Исой Аль Халифой. Также у него состоялась встреча и с наследным принцем Насером ибн Хамадом аль Халифой.

Ахмат Кадыров передал мои самые теплые пожелания королю Бахрейна и всем жителям страны. Он выразил надежду на дальнейшее укрепление дружественных отношений между Россией и Королевством Бахрейн, а также на плодотворное сотрудничество во всех ключевых областях. Хамад Бин Иса Аль Халифа отметил, что сегодня все европейские страны настроены против России по причине нашего нежелания принимать противоестественные ценности, не имеющие ничего общего с какими-либо нормами приличия и морали. Такая твёрдая позиция Президента РФ Владимира Путина приветствуется в арабских странах. Поэтому неудивительно, что многие страны арабского мира стремятся наладить с нами дружеские отношения.

Король Хамад бин Иса Аль Халифа, правитель Бахрейна, по праву считается выдающимся государственным деятелем. Его проницательность, справедливость и мудрость делают его уважаемым лидером как внутри страны, так и на мировой арене. Хамад Бин Иса Аль Халифа вместе со своими сыновьями ведёт страну по пути динамичного развития. Об этом лучше всего свидетельствуют достижения Королевства во многих социально-экономических сферах. Уверен, что под дальновидным руководством Хамада Бин Исы Аль Халифы и его сыновей темпы развития страны будут лишь увеличиваться.

В завершение Ахмат Кадыров поблагодарил Хамада Бин Ису Аль Халифу за теплый прием, пожелал мира и благополучия для всех жителей Королевства Бахрейн. Он выразил уверенность в том, что российско-арабские отношения с годами будут лишь развиваться и крепнуть, вопреки всем ожиданиям наших недоброжелателей.


Alexei Navalny has passed away and updated…

De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est, “Of the dead nothing but good is to be said.”



Updated with official word…

✍️ Before full information about the circumstances of A. Navalny’s death had appeared, the local information space was filled with guilty verdicts against our state. The biased coverage of this news fully fits into the unfriendly rhetoric of the Portuguese media, which over the past two years has been actively imposing a “demonic” image of Russia on its audience .

This fully meets the interests of Western political elites, whose militaristic anti-Russian discourse of recent months is in dire need of public support. Information “bombs” like today’s are designed to provide this.

In turn, I would like to note that we would like to observe such efficiency of Westerners in the investigation of the explosions of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines , which, by the way, has been dragging on for almost a year and a half, and in some states, such as Sweden, and completely stopped without any results .

And further. There is no need to politicize the death of a person.

MoD of Russia Report for February 15th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (15 February 2024)

This morning, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have launched a group strike with long-range air- and sea-based precision weapons against enterprises of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex engaged in the production and repair of aircraft engines, radio-electronic and communications equipment and mortar ammunition, as well as against factories producing fuel for AFU military hardware.

The purpose of the strike has been achieved. All the facilities have been destroyed.

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces have defeated enemy manpower and hardware close to Berestovoye and Peschanoye (Kharkov region) and Makeevka (Lugansk People’s Republic) and repelled an attack by an assault group of the 30th Mechanised Brigade near Sinkovka (Kharkov region).

The enemy losses were up to 105 servicemen, three motor vehicles, one Grad multiple-launch rocket system, French-manufactured Caezar and Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems.

In Krasny Liman direction, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved their position along the front line and also repelled two attacks by assault groups of 60th and 63rd mechanised brigades of the AFU near Yampolovka (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were up to 305 troops, 15 armoured fighting vehicles, including one U.S.-manufactured Bradley IFV, 14 motor vehicles, one Polish-manufactured Krab self-propelled artillery system, and one D-30 howitzer.

In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces have occupied more advantageous lines and positions, repelled 10 enemy attacks, and also defeated manpower and hardware of the 17th Tank Brigade, the 79th Air Assault Brigade, 24th and 72nd mechanised brigades of the AFU, and the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade near Krasnoye, Kleshcheevka, Kurdyumovka, Leninskoye, Konstantinovka, and Paraskovievka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were up to 360 servicemen killed and wounded, one tank, three armoured fighting vehicles, including one U.S.-manufactured Bradley IFV, as well as 27 motor vehicles.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one Polish-manufactured Krab self-propelled artillery system, two U.S.-manufactured M777 artillery systems, UK-manufactured FH-70 and L119 howitzers, as well as Msta-B, D-30 howitzers, and three D-20 guns have been destroyed.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces have struck manpower and hardware of the 58th Infantry Brigade, the 72nd Mechanised Brigade of the AFU, 128th and 127th brigades of the Territorial Defence of Ukraine close to Vodyanoye, Vladimirovka, Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Priyutnoye (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy losses were up to 200 servicemen, one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, and eight motor vehicles.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one British-manufactured FH-70 howitzer, two U.S.-manufactured M198 howitzers, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

In Kherson direction, Russian troops, in cooperation with aviation and artillery, have hit the 35th Marine Brigade and the 126th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Tyaginka, Ivanovka, and Yantarnoye (Kherson region).

The enemy losses were up to 20 soldiers, two motor vehicles, one U.S.-manufactured M777 artillery, as well as one D-30 howitzer.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralised a control point of the 72nd Mechanised Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as manpower and military hardware in 102 areas.

Air defence facilities have shot down MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force near Kramatorsk (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Eight HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems have been intercepted, as well as one U.S.-manufactured JDAM guided aerial bomb.

In addition, 95 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been destroyed close to Zhitlovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Soledar, Volnovakha, Elenovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Lyubimovka, Inzhenernoye, Pologi, Ocheretovatoye (Zaporozhye region) and Velikiye Kopani (Kherson region).

In total, 571 airplanes and 266 helicopters, 12,485 unmanned aerial vehicles, 469 air defence missile systems, 15,056 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 1,221 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 8,061 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 18,729 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
