China looks to the future of drone warfare. Drone for each target.

China simply is watching and learning…

I talked about what China did several years ago and the fact is that China went into full production war materials during the Covid-19 attack done by the USA against them…

It is called seeing the “writing on the wall” by China, about the USA…


Question, “End of СВО (SVO)?”

Answer: Russia is ready for a scenario in which the goals of the special operation would be carried out peacefully, Nebenzya said (the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations)…

“It will be possible to complete the NWO only when there is no longer a threat to Russia from the territory of Ukraine and when discrimination against the Russian-speaking population of this country ends. If this result can be achieved through negotiations, we are ready for such a scenario, if not, then everything the tasks set will be achieved by military means.”

Well that answers what I hear asked all the time from people all over…

Very simple…


Money rules? Wrong, resources rule…

Had it all wrong…

Money is nothing, just worth the amount you are willing to worship it for…

Resources are what is important and is what has to be used to back a currency. Currency is just facades that can be destroyed. Resources become more valuable as the supply is depleted…

Money (fiat) is fake…