Imperialism, according to Lenin, was the pinnacle of capitalism; we are fortunate to live in a time when reality is confirming his thesis…

Lenin once said that the highest stage of capitalism was imperialism, and we just happened to live in this era to see his theory proved by reality…

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism – A Popular Outline – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – PDF

The question is: what means other than war could there be under capitalism to overcome the disparity between the development of productive forces and the accumulation of capital on the one side, and the division of colonies and spheres of influence for finance capital on the other?


MoD of Russia Reports for March 13th to 14th, 2023…

14.03.2023 (21:30) Baltic Fleet hosts special exercise of radio warfare units of air defence units Modern complexes Krasukha-4S, R-934b Sinitsa and R-330Z Zhitel are used in the exercise.
14.03.2023 (16:00) Northern Fleet begin command and staff training in force and troop control It is planned to practise a number of standards and perform combat exercises as part of groups of different forces with the actual performance of artillery and missile firing.
14.03.2023 (11:30) 152 mm Giatsint gun crews destroy military facilities and enemy manpower within special military operation While performing firing tasks, the artillerymen of the Central Military District interact with the crews of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles, which carry out reconnaissance of enemy positions and adjust the accuracy of fire of the artillery guns.
14.03.2023 (06:00) Tornado-G MLRS continue daily combat missions within the special military operation Artillerymen of the Western Military District during the special military operation, supporting the offensive actions of motorised rifle and tank units of the Russian Armed Forces, continue daily massive strikes on positions, military infrastructure and hardware of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
14.03.2023 (05:00) Airborne Troops artillery eliminate enemy infantry and artillery guns by accurate fire within special military operation Airborne artillery crews regularly fight against the enemy in counter-battery warfare and assist the airborne assault and paratrooper units’ offensive.
13.03.2023 (17:55) Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu congratulates vice chairmen of China’s Central Military Commission on their appointment The head of the Russian military department added that Russian–Chinese relations are stable and long-term, and they meet the goals of establishing good neighbourliness and ensuring mutual trust.
13.03.2023 (17:50) Sergei Shoigu congratulates Li Shangfu on his appointment as China’s Defence Minister The Russian Defence Minister wished General Li Shangfu good health, well-being, and success in his responsible work.
13.03.2023 (15:30) T-90M crews ensure fire support of airborne assault units within special military operation Tankmen successfully engage targets that are far away and out of line of sight.
13.03.2023 (05:00) Ka-52 attack helicopters destroy AFU stronghold and armoured vehicles within special military operation Precised hits annihilated a command post and armoured vehicles of the enemy.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has investigated the incident and say the the USA is to take into account that it could be a Black Sea Gull, they are large and very daring, in addition, they relieve themselves in flight. The camera on the drone could distort the image and was mistaken for a fighter. We express our utmost concern. 🤔🤷‍♂

About the incident over the Black Sea at 9 pm. At which the USA whom was flying around and spying upon things that are none of their business. Got an expensive drone pissed upon by kerosene while in mid flight. Oops…

1. The United States intends, through the State Department, to discuss with the Russian Foreign Ministry the incident in the Black Sea, which led to the loss of the MQ-9 Reaper reconnaissance and strike UAV. It can also be assumed that there will be closed contacts along the line of “deconflicting” through the defense departments…

2. The United States also expressed concern about the incident, a little earlier in an official statement by the European command of the US army, accusing the pilots of the Russian aircraft of unprofessionalism…

3. Formally, the United States cannot accuse Russia of destroying the UAV, since they themselves admit that they had to finish it off on their own. Therefore, they will rest on the fact that the discharge of kerosene and damage to the propeller had fatal consequences…

4. Depending on the configuration, the lost drone could cost around 30 million dollars each…

5. The Russian fighter jets involved in the incident over the Black Sea returned safely to the airfield in Crimea. With sill plenty of kerosene fuel in its tanks…

6. ~~ It is said that a huge Black Sea Gull was looking for a mate in the area? ~~

By the way, here is the official Russian statement…

The official statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the situation with the fallen American drone:

1. On the morning of March 14 this year. over the waters of the Black Sea in the area of the Crimean peninsula, the airspace control of the Russian Aerospace Forces recorded the flight of an American MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle in the direction of the State Border of the Russian Federation;

2. The flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle was carried out with transponders turned off, violating the boundaries of the area of the temporary regime for the use of airspace, established for the purpose of conducting a special military operation, communicated to all users of international airspace and published in accordance with international standards;

3. In order to identify the intruder, fighters from the air defense forces on duty were raised into the air. As a result of sharp maneuvering around 9.30 (Moscow time), the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle went into uncontrolled flight with a loss of altitude and collided with the water surface;

4. Russian fighters did not use airborne weapons, did not come into contact with an unmanned aerial vehicle and returned safely to their base airfield.


Hmm, and the west just actually sanctioned itself as a suicide move…

Russian merchandise exports in 2022 set a historic record of $591.5 billion, and the surplus in trade in goods also turned out to be a record $332.4 billion, follows from the data of the Federal Customs Service (FTS) on foreign trade for the last year published on March 13 and historical data from Rosstat…

And Russia was santioned the most of any country in history…
