Neocons at fault and we plebs embraced them and allowed them to run amok…

The fundamental mistake made by the neocons in the 1990s was believing that history had ended and that America was an irrefutable hegemony. They were blatantly incorrect & being enthralled by their own magnificence and self-perceived superiority, they chose to employ violence, threats, intimidation, and bullying as their “go to” means of subduing other countries…

They made many strong future nemeses along the way, simply waiting for the right moment to strike back. Now while the USA is thrashing in death throes, is that moment…

As it happens, history never really ends. America is going to get what it sowed, and karma is coming. It really is the “neocons” fault and it really is our fault for allowing them to infest our (USA) government to a point of being a coup…

Therefore, the mirror never lies, as we look in it upon our souls…


PS: Something big is still coming folks…

Something big is coming…

No easy way to correct thousands and thousands of destroyed posts…

Over the years the USA, UK, EU and Ukrainian systems have pounded upon WtR and abused us to the point of seriously being crippled. We have lost so many images and so much data, but the one thing that they never could erase are our words. The text is all here in full upon WtR…

Thus, images have gone from the past and many forms of web-based data have been erased by the West. Yet my words made it and for that I keep writing…

Example: on February 12th, 2008 (16 years ago). I talked about, “driving Russia back to being, well… Russia!”

Uncle Sam & The Bear!

This American turning slowly Russian, has been writing a very longtime now about what the USA and West is up to in the world and the obstacle of its desires is Russia. The world needs to support and thank Russia…


What makes Russia unique?

My statement below is what I feel largely separates Russia from the West and tags Russia to the East…

As a general rule, military troops and civilians become more tense, focused, weak, and worn out the longer a conflict lasts. Whatever the case, what makes Russia unique is that the longer the conflict lasts, the larger the military becomes and the more capable and equipped they become. The more people unite, the more weapons and improvements in the conflict zone they produce.

This is, in my opinion, what historians frequently alluded to when they claimed that Russia was strong in combat zones. You will undoubtedly kill a Russian soldier and destroy Russian forces, but as a whole, they are strong and seem to get stronger the longer the fight continues. – kKEETON…

It is what Western people are not anymore. The longer the fight goes the more Western people ‘cry & whine’ about the situation. I watch this phenomenon all the time upon the internet, so many weekend warriors demand instant results…

It is what makes Russia unique…